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Comment Re:Based on what study (Score 2) 226

Couldn't you say that about most distractions? Is it safe to converse with a passenger? Is it safe to have the radio on loud, or at all? You'll never be able to eliminate all risks from driving (it is the single most dangerous thing most of us do on a daily basis). Anecdotally, I believe that navigating with an HUD displayed on eyewear or on a windshield is far safer than a 4" LCD screen mounted somewhere on the dash, or a similar screen held in the lap.

Comment Re:equal treatment (Score 2) 226

Apply this to other areas as well. A few weeks ago a friend called me up at midnight because his car had broken down in the boonies. I was awoken out of a sound slumber and was amazed at how dulled my reflexes and decision making capabilities were. For all intents and purposes I was in a drunken state of mind while at the same time being stone sober. Personally, I'd rather be on the road with somebody with a light buzz than with a parent in a car yelling at her kids and otherwise distracted.

Comment Re:More reprsentative stats please (Score 5, Informative) 390

I keep the stats on 12 state government websites. As sad as it may be, the lowest I've ever seen IE (taken as a whole) dip was 55%. And, for the record every site is tested and compliant on a multitude of browsers and not a single one recommends IE. We're getting there, but we're not at single digits yet.

Comment Re:What's the big deal? (Score 1) 770

Another aspect of the problem is that Texas has an almost overwhelming say in what gets put into textbooks due to their size as a purchasing entity. Letting a few charter schools get away with it lets the crazy people get their foot in the door to further shoving their Christofascist worldview onto everybody else.

Comment Re:What's the big deal? (Score 3, Interesting) 770

Amen, well maybe not. I grew up in the same sort of household and was likely the bane of my middle school teacher's existence as I was basically a proxy for my parent's beliefs in my argument against evolution. It wasn't until college that I finally opened up enough to be fully deprogrammed. I paid my penance by teaching evolutionary anthropology in Texas, but even among the undergrads there I suspect that I wasn't able to convert as many as I could.

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