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Another Golden Age of Gaming? 150

An anonymous reader writes "Julian Murdoch over at Gamers With Jobs thinks that this is the best time ever to be a gamer. In his conversation with a (one suspects hypothetical) kid in a library, he engages in a bit of a rant on the topic: 'He's me when I was 16. Everything sucked. But I'm glad I talked to him, because it turns out I needed to hear myself say it all. For all of my daily kvetching, this is the best time ever to be a gamer, because the games are good. We can bitch all we want about console wars, prices, fanboyitis, and those games which do, in fact, suck. But at the end of the day, there are more different games out there than ever before, from the oh-so-pretty Oblivion to Guitar Hero to Dwarf Fortress. From Magic: the Gathering to Pokemon (laugh all you want, it's a good game). From Heroscape to Warhammer 40k.' So what do you think? In the midst of all the negative campaigning in the console wars, is this another golden age of gaming?"
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Another Golden Age of Gaming?

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  • by neonprimetime ( 528653 ) on Tuesday September 19, 2006 @10:01AM (#16137435)
    "Halo 2 was cool. You like First Person Shooters?"

    "I guess. It's getting boring though. I used to play on Xbox live, but there are all these 8-year-olds in Kansas and sh*t that spend all day practicing and they just kick everyone's ass."

    How is it that we allow these damn 8 years olds to whoop up on us? We need to quite our jobs now and take back our titles!
  • Civ (Score:5, Funny)

    by steveo777 ( 183629 ) on Tuesday September 19, 2006 @10:39AM (#16137660) Homepage Journal
    It's okay, he was just playing Civ IV. We're in a golden age right now, but don't worry about that because it's going to end in 20 years or so. So, if you think building all these cultural advancements is going to help, you've got another thing coming. I just know that everyone thinks they're safe. But you just wait, because Genghis Khan is gonna come rollin' in here a couple turns later with his Keshiks and roll right over our modern armor. I know this, because it ALWAYS happens to me.
  • by Locution Commando ( 1001166 ) on Tuesday September 19, 2006 @10:43AM (#16137696)
    (Off-topic fer just two shakes of a Parots' Tail....Sept 19 -ITLAPD!!
    Arrr! I must get me plug in fer the day o' days before me comments. I hope no scallawag keel-hauls (-1 Mod) me fer me ferver -Yar Har!)

    Ye' must be three sheets to the wind, if ye' were to tell me 'twer not an age ye' call "GOLDEN" (Yarrr! GOLD!)

    Aye, I can recall back to day I was but a gamin' lubber - Me Atari and me spent many a countless watch ravenging the .00001-bit seas! Sailin on, who can ferget (yarrr! who can remember?) the death dealin Captain... errr... Commander Keeeeeeeeen?

    Let me take ye' forward a stormy watch or two, and remind ye' of where the ship lies -
    Weee've got us photorealism, Multiiii-thread Cooores,
    Swashbucklin and Adventurin
    An' Lo' Killin. Aye, Killin Galoooore!
    An' Now in 5.1 audio, needn't bother with letter's yer Eyes

    Have ye seen ye Oblivion?
    Have ye seen ye F.E.A.R. - W.O.W. - Ye Console P-Cube-X?
    Even now yer belov'd Dungeon-o-Dragons?
    Ye scurvey dog, could ye live now without PCI-Express?

    Yarr - I fear thar be some dissen't among the ranks,
    the ol' buccaneers tend much t' thar ways
    Those dogs who worship thar good ol' days, aye, they should walk the plank!

    Aye! 'ts ne'r been be'er
    te see games as a treasure
    Ye'd have te be plum-gone rum insane,
                  te think the past be'er 'an than a world with
    Massive Multiplayer Online Raidin' Pirate Games! YARRR HARRR!!! []
  • by petrus4 ( 213815 ) on Tuesday September 19, 2006 @11:16AM (#16137893) Homepage Journal
    Julian Murdoch over at Gamers With Jobs thinks that this is the best time ever to be a gamer.

    In other news, dairy farmers throughout the world wish to remind the public of the miraculous health properties of milk and cheese, and potato farmers, noting the potato's abundance of Vitamin C, have also made an announcement that a diet rich in potatoes is a great way to avoid any possibility of scurvy.

Factorials were someone's attempt to make math LOOK exciting.
