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Vanguard Beta In Trouble? 176

Heartless Gamer writes to mention a blog post exploring potential problems with the Vanguard Beta. The hardcore MMOG in development by Sigil has had some rocky times of late, and it sounds like the beta testers are right up at the top of the list of problems. From the article: "To the detriment of Vanguard, they (Vanguard's community) will protest any implementation that even remotely resembles a mechanic within World of Warcraft. Good or bad, it doesn't matter. If it's something within WoW, they want it O-U-T. Likewise, if you are from WoW, they want YOU out, too. They've already succeeded in driving out many of those testers. They're long gone and I can't say I blame them." Read on for other sites' commentary on this issue.
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Vanguard Beta In Trouble?

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  • reap what you sow (Score:2, Interesting)

    by michealo ( 813339 ) on Thursday May 25, 2006 @12:04PM (#15402319)
    vanguard was to be the saving grace for the worst of the community that left EQ looking for "the vision". shame they realized way too late that the "vision" is still locked away in 1999 and the vast majority of MMORPG gamers to do not want that sort of carrot on a stick type of grind.
  • by Visceral Monkey ( 583103 ) on Thursday May 25, 2006 @12:29PM (#15402582)
    The articles author is dead on. Take your average rabid Apply fanboy x10 and you've got the nut balls who make up the Vanguard community. These players have been pushed from mmorpg to mmorpg as developers quickly realize the kind of game play they worship is not what 95% of players out there want. If you even attempt to suggest changes to the way the envision the game you're in for all sorts of abuse and scorn. They see this as their "last hope" and will do anything to make sure stays that way. Alas, the result is the game supposedly sucks, badly, from what i've heard from beta testers. MS dumping it back to SOE is a sure sign they are struggling. My prediction is the game will not make it to market in it's current form.
  • by Mente ( 219525 ) on Thursday May 25, 2006 @12:34PM (#15402626)
    Yeah, I think EVE is the best at battling the grind. There are still grinds that can be done. Grind for money. Grind for standing.

    I've played many of the larger MMORPG's out there (UO, EQ1/2, SWG, WoW, and EVE). EVE is truely unique. CCP has bucked the trend in a lot of areas and almost all of them work. 1 server. Letting you know the population (which continues to go up all the time). Skills train over time, even when offline. No way to speed up the process (except learning skills that aid in the processes).

    Roleplay is a little difficult because there really isn't an Avatar running around. You are essentially your ship. But other than that, the game has a lot to offer. I jumped in late(Jan 06), years after release. However, the way everything is layed out, you don't feel completely useless unless you grind to the top. Because there is no top. You just keep learning skills. /commercialover
  • b) from the get-go (Score:3, Interesting)

    by everphilski ( 877346 ) on Thursday May 25, 2006 @01:25PM (#15403080) Journal
    They are aiming at the hardcore gamer from day 1. No suprises there.

    Instancing is a Good Thing on busy servers. I agree. However I think they are some of the more creative minds creating games right now and I'm excited to see the alternatives they are implementing. Non-instanced housing I think will be amazing, for example. Seeing housing that belongs to players in a city just makes the world that much more real and identifiable.
  • Re:reap what you sow (Score:3, Interesting)

    by RingDev ( 879105 ) on Thursday May 25, 2006 @02:39PM (#15403760) Homepage Journal
    I should have clarified, most MMORPG players. And WoW is a perfect example of Maslow's hierchy. As soon as the player reaches the end game, they have acheived the most important step of self actualization. At that point, the game has deminishing returns on what it can offer players.

    Many upcoming (and some existing) games are getting more and more dynamic. With these more dynamic worlds, hitting the max out level is not always the primary goal. Sure, hitting the max level is great, but who really cares? Creating a massive city and ruling over it where everyone knows your name is even more rewarding. And if someone finds it rewarding to build something, someone else will find it rewarding to tear it down.

  • Re:reap what you sow (Score:3, Interesting)

    by RingDev ( 879105 ) on Thursday May 25, 2006 @02:56PM (#15403928) Homepage Journal
    "Self actualization has nothing to do with it."

    I couldn't disagree more. If you took leveling out of the game entirely, and just put everyone at level 60, the game's population would plummet.

  • by Evangelion ( 2145 ) on Thursday May 25, 2006 @03:37PM (#15404314) Homepage
    These are games.

    Actually, MMORPGs are hobbies. Or part-time jobs. They have characteristics of both.

    But they're not just "games" these days.

A motion to adjourn is always in order.
