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Journal RobertB-DC's Journal: Now, it's 15 mod points in 7 days 12

It's time to go home, and I'm refreshing Slashdot to see if any new Ghosts have appeared (see other journal entries). No Ghosts, but I did get... 5 more mod points! What have I done to deserve such a bounty? It sure hasn't been my previous moderation, which looking back borders on the insane.

Help me out, folks! What can I mod for you today?

Update: This one looked Insighful to me, probably because it was the first of several hundred to come up with the same "solution".

This one is another good one. I modded it "Insightful", as had the previous poster, instead of "Funny", because Slashdot doesn't include a "+1, Ha Ha Only Serious" mod.

This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Now, it's 15 mod points in 7 days

Comments Filter:
  • I posted a reply to the "FCC vs. porn spam" article, "related question"
    (That is, if you think it's worth it...)
  • Personally, I thought this one was deserving. []
    • Fortunately, so did the other moderators... it's already at +5, Funny. Besides, it's an AC, and I hate blowing my Karmic benevolence upon the anonymous.

      By the way, sets me solidly in the Economic Left (-5.25) / Social Libertarian quadrant (-3.90) -- no surprise there. I didn't vote for either bozo []. Cool to see that they put Nelson Mandela in pretty much the same spot! Thanks for the diversion.
      • Yeah, I modded that one before I noticed it was anonymous. Oh, well.

        As for politicalcompass... greetings, comrade! I'm at about (-4,-4). Mohandas Gandhi is right in there, too.
        • Doesn't it seem like we should get the positive numbers? After all, we tend to call ourselves "progressives", which clearly implies an arrow pointing up and forward...
          • I suppose so. But I imagine the authors wanted to keep the whole left-right thing consistent with conventional thinking. And maybe the other axis is high-control vs low-control?

            But I dunno, I'm not actually connected to the site in any way, except that I think it's a cool and helpful way to look at politics.
  • Wow, you are on a roll! I guess it's because you actually spend your mod points. I find myself not being able to spend all of mine once I get them for some reason. And I hear that this makes me less eligible for mod points.
  • ...because I haven't seen mod points in a month or so, and I used to get them all the time. Strange.
  • I guess you could have a look at this Opera story [], as there's quite a bit of anti-Opera crap in there...
    • mmm, yummy. I absolutely love Opera -- I'm running it now, with 15 tabs open. The ad bar is not a problem for me, and I even click it on occasion. So I found three [] good [] posts [], all languishing at +3, and gave them a boost. Now I just have to be sure to remember not to post in the discussion. Thanks!

      (By the way, I changed the links from to to adjust the color scheme to something less deadly...)
      • Hey Robert, your opinion... Am I trolling []? ;)
        • I'd say more of a challenge than a troll. Certainly not deserving of such a strong down-mod.

          I think you're right -- there is a strong anti-Opera sentiment, and I can't figure out where it's coming from. Don't we *want* someone to compete with Microsoft? Don't we *like* for non-Microsoft programmers to make a salary? Or are all the Opera foes actually jobless skr1pt k1dd135 in their parents' basements?

A modem is a baudy house.
