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Journal Deathlizard's Journal: The Batman Villains of IT 1

Working in IT you begin to realize quickly that most of the people you deal with have a tendency to have a certain persona to them when it comes to you working on their computer or how they use it.

After doing this for over 5 years it's got to the point where I've classified all of these personas into Villains from the 1966 Batman TV Series.

1) The Joker - Loves to send E-mail jokes all over the network. Also has a tendency to send every E-mail chain letter that enters his box to everyone on the network as well, regardless of how many times he's told that it's spam, not to do it, or both.

2) The Catwoman - Has an unhealthy fascination with cats. Usually has cats all over her office and/or desk. Most likely has a picture of a cat on her desktop, screensaver or both. Most likely has or has had at one time the felix deskmate or bonzi buddy. Will download and install anything that has a cat involved, whether it is adware, spyware or a virus.

3) The Riddler - Will constantly quiz you with questions about computing in general as soon as he sees you. Anything is fair game from "how much is it to buy this gadget?" to "How did I mess my computer up?" Tends to find your office to say hi and pick your brain for 30 minutes.

4) The Penguin - Uses Linux (or a UNIX variant, Like MacOS or FreeBSD). Tries to convert everybody he sees to his holy crusade of stopping Bill Gates and his Microserf Army of conformity. Will constantly remind you how inferior M$ is and how Linux is the second coming. Constantly asks you to convert files to a Linux Friendly Format or asks you to make something work that isn't compatible with Linux.

5) King Tut - Thinks he's king S#!+ of F*%! Mountain. Will constantly berate you the entire time you work on his PC. Will demand you do it his way or will go to your supervisor or above your Supervisor's head. Will call Tech Support constantly demanding that you fix his computer in five minutes right now and ignore everyone else in line even though he's had this issue for two weeks and decided to call you now about it.

6) Egghead - Thinks he knows more about computers then you do. Tends to give you advice that you've known for three years. Tends to read or own every "for Dummies" "Idiot's Guide to" and PC magazines with "X tips for doing X" he sees. Will download computer utilities from said books and proceed to FUBAR his machine. Blames the OS or the PC a lot when problems occur from said utilities.

7) Mr. Freeze - Has an uncanny ability to make any PC Crash. Will download every program he sees regardless if he uses it or not. Tends to have every spyware/adware/virus you've ever seen. Will lose critical data to the point that a forensic solution is the only recourse. Will have to have at least 3 OS reinstalls per year regardless of what OS he uses.

There are more villains in the 1966 series, but these are the more major ones that had more than a one shot appearance. Some of the comic book ones would work well here too (like Poison Ivy, Two Face, ETC) but that's out of the scope of this list.

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The Batman Villains of IT

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