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Journal Trolling4Dollars's Journal: Regarding Pudge (a silly little /. editor) 11

Although I don't think Pudge is responsible for my bans as he can't possibly be THAT stupid. He isn't being straightforward either. Sure the post was "off topic", but how else am I supposed to find out what's going on with my account if no one's home at

Just a quick summary of the events of yesterday. Earlier in the day I decided to check and see if my ban was lifted by posting a test in one of the main story threads. It gets modded "Off Topic", but it DOES post. So, I think, "Cool! Ban lifted". Then I change my sig back to what it currently is "some unimportant dig at the Republican party". Just a few hours later I try and post, and... I'm banned again. I didn't get enough downmods yesterday to put my karma in the basement (it's still "Excellent" as of the moment) but for some reaon I'm banned again. The only conclusion I can draw is that someone doesn't like my admittedly silly anti-Republican SIG. Update: The SIG in question said, "If you like dead soldiers, thank a Republican".

I've tried going through the appropriate channels by sending mail to to determine if there is some kind of special moderation I am unaware of, or if I am now on some kind of "ban as soon as he gets one downmod" list. I just want a simple answer. But all I get is... nothing. Much like a lot of other people here, I am starting to see just how poorly operated Slashdot is. When it was just a smaller site without the monetary issue of subscriptions attached to it and it was run by Taco, it was great fun. Now, it's just a cesspool of wiry geeks with the newer editors being prime examples of what happens when you give the keys to the little runt that's trying to keep up with the big guy. (Think Scrappy Doo of the Scooby Doo cartoon or Cheops of Battle of the Planets).

One of my friends tried posting a point regarding my ban in Pudge's journal. Any reply to that post has been downmodded (probably by Pudge) so as to preserve the fantasy that no one disagrees with Pudge. Today I posted a direct question to Pudge and I got the above warning. Putting aside the fact that I asked him to foe me last month and he hasn't honored my request, he is now threatening to foe me thinking that this will bother me somehow. He can foe me if he likes. It's not like I've posted in his journal more than two or three times or that it provides much to look at anyway. It does, however, concern me that a Slashdot editor is not willing to address real issues being raised by a formerly happy reader.

That is why I've posted this JE. This is a place where Pudge can respond if he so choses. It is also a place where I will publically request that Pudge foe me since we are obviously at opposite ends of the spectrum politically. And finally, I will also make the statement directly to Pudge: I have no intention of changing my SIG no matter what anyone at Slashdto may do to my account. If you destroy my account, then I will simply create another. All you will have accomplished by this ridiculous vendetta against my silly SIG is created yet another user who only wants to stay here simply to be a thorn in your side. So how do you want things Pudge? Bottom line to whoever is banning me: you created this problem, you can fix it.

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Regarding Pudge (a silly little /. editor)

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  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • The impotent little miscreant [] responded []. Hehehe... sounds to me like he DID look at it and didn't like having his reality distortion field played with. He's got a lot more coming his way than he bargained for. You will also note that at this point in time my karma has been pushed down to "Good". I think we can safely assume this is a perfect example of editor abuse. So, Pudge, (I know you're reading this because you can't resist) in the words of Dick Cheney... go fuck youerself.
    • You will also note that at this point in time my karma has been pushed down to "Good".

      What planet are you living on where the rest of us can see your Karma?

      Any reply to that post has been downmodded (probably by Pudge) so as to preserve the fantasy that no one disagrees with Pudge.

      pudge makes no secret about his policy for his journal. Anything off-topic is forbidden. Repeating the same arguments instead of responding to what someone says about your arguments is forbidden. Ad hominem attacks ar

  • by nizo ( 81281 )
    Are we there yet? (must...wait...20....seconds.....)
  • Pudge is like Bill Bennet. He's a stern moralist, talks in absolute terms about abstract generalizations, and has cast his lot with people who talk the evangelical talk he likes to hear, but that do not walk the walk. He admits that he hates the convicted drunk drivers' overspending, which presumably means he doesn't like their inflationary effects (20% over the past two years for the $US vs. Euro/Can$/Yen/Aus$/SwFr/etc.)

    He's hung up on the abortion issue, and refuses to discuss why he thinks the life o

  • his political beliefs can translate to user bans. I mean, it's fine to disagree and it's fine to disagree a whole LOT or comment as such... but to abuse your power as a moderator or admin to silence that which you don't agree with.. BZZZZZT. Wrong.

    How can he get away with this? Best I can figure, everyone at /. is as politically-right (no pun intended whatsoever) as him and they're all just agreeing to let him handle the problem, turning the other cheek.

    Someone should submit this saga as a stor
    • Pah. That's a troll, and you should know it. Just read the exchanges between jamie [] and him sometimes in his very own journal []. I doubt this is a right wing agenda. But I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it's one editor with a chip on his/her shoulder who is being allowed to do what they do, because the editors don't have enough time to second guess one another's judegments.

      This seems to be the issue with Slashdot's customer service in a lot of ways. Check CmdrTaco's latest journal []. Check the note in []

      • No troll intent here.

        The information you presented makes sense, and alters my viewpoint. I appreciate the feedback. I'm glad you didn't resort to name-calling to get your point across.

        There are thousands upon thousands (myself included) nerds out there with some free time to spare every day. We could moderate. We could meta-moderate the moderators (the high-level ones, I mean).

        Perhaps for every story submitted, there could be a queue where users rate and meta-rate to decide which stories make it to t
  • "Off Topic", but it DOES post. So, I think, "Cool! Ban lifted". Then I change my sig back to what it currently is "some unimportant dig at the Republican party". Just a few hours later I try and post, and... I'm banned again.

    Since you changed it before I got to see it I am curious. What was the evil sig that got you into trouble?
    • It's a play on a bumper sticker that I've seen a few times. The bumper sticker reads:

      "If you like your freedom, thank a Republican"

      Which I mangled as my SIG to:

      "If you like dead soldiers, thank a Republican"

      Honestly it's a silly SIG and nothing to get all worked up over. But someone got their panties in a twist over it. I still don't think Pudge was responsible for the ban. But I'm sure he knows who was.

A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention, with the possible exceptions of handguns and Tequilla. -- Mitch Ratcliffe
