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Journal pythorlh's Journal: The Girl 6

Why isn't she here?
Where has she gone?
Did she say she was going?
I did not leave for long.

Why did she leave us?
Where have I been?
Why wasn't I here when she was here to be seen?

I can still smell her perfume.
I still hear her sweet song.
I can still see her face.
She has not gone long.

Yet I look in the mirror,
and I am not a child.
It must have been years, now.
She's been gone quite a while.

We have all often wondered.
Why she went away.
Yet she is still here with us.
Even unto this day.

And I know she still lingers.
In our minds, in our hearts.
She is here in each of us,
and we all have a part.

So tell your friends all about her.
Tell your families, too.
So that they will all meet her.
That girl that we knew.

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The Girl

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  • Checked the clock when I got home
    Realized I was alone
    Sat for hours by the window
    Wondering, "Where did you go?"

    Couldn't eat or sleep at all
    Took the pictures off the wall
    Paced the place as time grew slow
    And I'm wondering, "Where did you go?"

    Lit a cigarette I couldn't smoke
    Wound the clock until it broke
    Went to bed then took a shower
    Stared at TV for an hour

    Did the dishes, made the bed
    Read a book I've never read
    Any minute you will show
    And I'm wondering, "Where did you go?"

    I opened the fridge, I opened a beer

...this is an awesome sight. The entire rebel resistance buried under six million hardbound copies of "The Naked Lunch." - The Firesign Theater
