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Journal eugene ts wong's Journal: Do people have a right to complain about the 2 party system? 16

I've noticed that people have made a lot of complaints about the 2 parties & the 2 party system.

Do they really have a right to complain?

They complain about the war in Iraq.
They complain about Iraqis not doing their part to overthrow Saddam.
They complain about the 2 party system.
They complain about each party.

I don't see why anybody has a right to complain. It's 1 thing to voice your opinion, which is often worthless. It's 1 thing to try to make plans to do something about it. However, it's a completely different thing to complain with a holier-than-thou attitude while you sit in your comfortable home doing nothing.

Slashdotters are just armchair critics. People who are passivists are armchair critics. People who didn't serve in this war are armchair critics. That's right. If you were in the military in another time period, then you served then, not now.

People love to talk about how they would stand up for what's right, but really now. Imagine that you have a baby girl. Imagine that your dictator has captured her & holds a gun to her head to force you to fight. You are frail & weak. You aren't strong enough to rescue your daughter. Do you follow orders & fight the people who are fighting to save you, in hopes of saving your daughter? or would your rather fight with them while your daughter gets shot in the head?

I don't know what the Iraqui situation is like, but hopefully when I criticize all the participants, I'll be looking @ it from their perspective & refrain from arrogant remarks. What about you?

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Do people have a right to complain about the 2 party system?

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  • Which is also pretty much worthless since I don't have the ability to execute it:

    Step 1. DRAFT. All people between the ages of 18 and 45 who are on the unemployment and disability payrolls are drafted to government service immediately.

    Step 2: Able bodied ones (without disabilities) will form a new unit in the army and will recieve basic training in securing an area and rescue operations (retreat) from that area without casulties.

    Step 3: All others will be put to work in reopened factories nationwide
    • Holy shit, someone admitting the troublemakers are not all Iraqi Nationals. You've just hit the nail on the head, now to drive the point home.

      You know why there hasn't been an attack stateside since 9/11, the Whabbists (and other radical islamic sects) have had to go on defense, first in Afghanistan, then in Iraq, and soon to be in Syria and Iran, if I am reading the entrails right. Russian RPG's and Ak-47's are cheap, but they aren't free, so someone has to purchase them[1], further straining the mone
      • Hummmmm I hadn't thought of the whole ammo angle. Good idea. Doesn't the M-16 use the 7.62mm ammo? I cant' remember.


        • Nope, M-16/M-4 and all other NATO standard rifles (HK G36/G53 series, FAMAS, Enfield L85, Israeli Galil rifles, and others) are chambered in 5.56x45 NATO (also known as .223 Remington Magnum). Even the Squad Automatic Weapons like the M249 are chambered in 5.56. The US still issues 7.62x61 NATO (.308 Winchester Magnum) for infantry units using the M-60 GPMG (Marine Corps only AFAIK), tank and vehicle mounted 7.62mm machine guns, certian sniper weapons systems (M24/M40) and honor guard units using the M-14
          • Yeash... are you in the service or something? You pulled all that out pretty fast!

            Good info though. Thanks.

            • Nope, just your run of the mill redneck gun nut.
              • Man, you are so knowledgable. I'm impressed that you know so much that you can actually predict behaviour.

                I've just finished reading, "The Tipping Point", which talks about the different types of people who can make big differences.

                If I were in charge of any military or government, I would consult you. Seriously.

                I wish that I had a way of keeping track of people of like you, so that I could just look up an index to know who to turn to. Hmm, maybe a web page with a list of names would do the trick. I coul
      • Yep- and Bush has indicated that was his original plan going in- but he's messed it up royally.

        I'm not sure I agree with him that it is better to have US and coalition forces atracting pot shots over there than have the terrorists attempting to come to us, but that's the difference between the honeypot strategy and the perimeter defense strategy.

        Thanks to Bush, we're now commited to the honeypot strategy in Iraq, but we can still convert it to a perimeter defense strategy if we add more troops.

        Plus, I th
  • Near as I can tell, the problem with the major two political parties is that they've got their priorities screwed up.

    They don't understand that if you're going to be religiously conservative you have to be fiscally liberal if you're following Christianity- or Islam- or Judaism- or even Buddhism. And if you're going to be an atheist, you should be fiscally conservative because this is the only life you've got and the only property you're ever going to have.

    Neither major political party speaks to this, and
  • People love to talk about how they would stand up for what's right, but really now. Imagine that you have a baby girl. Imagine that your dictator has captured her & holds a gun to her head to force you to fight. You are frail & weak. You aren't strong enough to rescue your daughter. Do you follow orders & fight the people who are fighting to save you, in hopes of saving your daughter? or would your rather fight with them while your daughter gets shot in the head?

    I can't rescue my daughter anyw
  • I don't know what the Iraqui situation is like, but hopefully when I criticize all the participants, I'll be looking @ it from their perspective & refrain from arrogant remarks. What about you?

    From Dictionary.com [reference.com]:

    The act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner; that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation, or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue degree; proud contempt of others; lordliness;

    • If I'm smarter than the 'participants' (an unfortunately vague term you chose) than it's not arrogance.

      Well, yeah, if you know what you're talking about, then of course, you aren't arrogant.

      Regarding the word, "participants", I deliberately chose it because I couldn't think too clearly. I tried to stay vague on purpose.

      As for footing the bill, etc., you're right again. The fact that you pay taxes makes a big difference, & justifies your right to complain. I chose the wrong word, I think. I know that I

If a thing's worth having, it's worth cheating for. -- W.C. Fields
