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United States

Journal OldHawk777's Journal: Were Intel folks surprised when the level was elevated? 2

Did anyone in the US Government 'INTEL' community Civilian/Military have email/message traffic alerts, in advance, about the last upgrade of the terrorists threat alert? I ask not; did they see the traffic that was used to justify/compile/analyze the need for a higher aleart level.

I ask, Did they (Intel-folks) know (see traffic) a day/hour/... before the Congress, Senate, or the rest of US that the threat level was to be elevated soon?

Depending; the question, 'Was the alert politically motivated?' ... is answered, if .news/someone can dug-up the true answer.

Either the answer is YES there were Intel community alert messages, or maybe the executive branch is not communicating well with all civilian/military Intel-agencies. Maybe those that were surprised, like many, are not (in the center of activity, analysis, response, ...) needed for the war on terrorism. This could be one of those 911-Commission glitches in the Intel community. If ... then should we put all the eggs in the White-Basket, the House-Basket, or maybe a special CoOp-Basket.


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Were Intel folks surprised when the level was elevated?

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