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Journal ryanr's Journal: Short Story 6

So this is pretty cool. I was approached by O'Reilly to write a short story to promote my most recent book "Stealing the Network: How to Own a Continent". Link to evil patent-abusing bookseller, with bonus associate ID insult.

O'Reilly is the distributor for Syngress (my publisher) in the US now, which is nice. Apparantly, they do promotions like this. It's also a nice ego boost to see my name in the O'Reilly catalogs, and they are supposed to feature Syngress books in the O'Reilly booths at trade shows and such.

Anyway, I like the way the story came out. It's a prequel for the Stealing books. It's fiction, like the books themselves. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

Here's the story.

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Short Story

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