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Journal OldHawk777's Journal: Say it ain't so, reality has been politicized. 1


____ Many politicians have been debating Science, History, and Culture on political merit (how does it benefit reelection, dogma, control, and special interest) for purposes of passing laws. In other words, screw the people and posterity, because they provide no immediate ROI and no one is a psychic ... let the Christian god decide our future (sounds like anti-Christ to me).

____ There are two reasons for Darwinian/Nietzschean political action or inaction in the EU, US, others: (1) Profit for special interest [AKA: plutocrats], (2) supercilious (Super-Silly-US) power over others.

____ Gone are the days of Goethe's beliefs with Faustian repercussions. We participate in the times of the existential Nietzschean narcissistic-self rebirth and the decline of existential altruist seeking self-truth and justice for all. Plutocrats are interested in authoritarian exploitation of human resources. Plutocrats are politicians/entrepreneurs of dubious "self-awareness" with a mythic "will to power".

____ These Nietzschean (human) superduds provoke a period of "paralysis by analysis", "point the finger", "smear the blame" "plausible deniability", "false accusations" "adoration charade" "veneer honor" "protracted capriciousness" "economic/cultural instability" ... supported by national leaders of special interest, then another war period usually evolves from this time.

____ A period of Orwellian 1984 dystopian culture/society where a "big brother" [AKA: The White Collar Trash (WCT) Megalomaniac]" with "thought-crime" accusers and prosecutors manage by murder and control through fear.

____ Hitler was not the first and last WCT. Saddam, Amin, Pinochet, Stalin, Milosevic, PolPot, Khomeini, TseTung ... these are just some of the folks in the news during my lifetime. It always amazes me how in the USA there appears to be no consideration of USA politicians/generals being smalltime past, present or major future genocide criminals. Always, I have observed that folks, with too much faith, will be severely disappointed by themselves, others, and/or God. If it is a petty-personal "failure of faith" then no problem, if it is someone's life or death then it is horrible. However, when it is all our family and friends that die, ... it is pure-evil.

____ We are all individually and collectively responsible for making sure pure-evil is not one of US, EU, others. A poor old southern woman (Ida) one time told me, "If you look beyond your nose for some one to blame, then I hope you are holding a mirror." It was her way of saying, "look at yourself first."

"Reality is a self induced hallucination."

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Say it ain't so, reality has been politicized.

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