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Journal CaptainCheese's Journal: I bet Jet Li doesn't have to put up with crap like this.

Had the beginnings of an argument with a drunk guy this evening about stanley kubrick. Stupid reason for an argument in the first place, and I wasn't drunk, so when he called me a liar and said "you don't know what the fuck you're talking about!" I simply admitted that I may be wrong, and left shortly after.

Pride is a terrible thing, so I'm going to vent my brused ego into gaping maw of the void known as the internet - that will be the end of it.

My claim that Stanley Kubrick generally filmed in 4:3 aspect ratio, and this is why DVDs of The Shining are all in 4:3 . He didn't know what an aspect ratio was, so I explained this was the same shape as a TV image.

He responded that kubrick didn't film in 4:3, he filmed in 35mm. When I tried to explain that these are seperate things, he stopped listening and started the shouting, during whichtold me that he should know because he worked on 'Full Metal Jacket' and added a barrage of insults to boot.

Since then I have checked IMDb, and it bears me out. The original negatives of all but his two Cinemascope productions had an aspect ratio of 1.37 - and incidentally states that Kubricks FMJ was partly filmed on 70mm stock!

So I feel vindicated and I'm annoyed that I had to back down on this, but when I see him agin I'm not going to bring it up because It'll only cause more trouble for no reason. I don't need to belittle him to his face for the sake of my ego, so this is as far as it goes. Just because he's been in the same room as a cameraman doesn't mean he knows jack about the optics of cinematography.

Unfortunately no lessons learned by either of us, except a sharp reminder that drunks are to be humored. not contradicted.

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