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Journal perfessor multigeek's Journal: Nasty Reminders 18

For any of you who are at all familiar with Doonesbury and have not been reading it recently, I strongly suggest that you start here and read the next few strips.

Jesus. I spend at least several hours a week thinking about military and related policy issues and somehow I've let myself get dulled out. "Just a part of the human cost." "Nothing we can do but try to cut down this one and try to prevent the next one." "Caring about the individual soldiers is just an impediment to working to get them out."



I've let myself let go of the emotional reality of what is happening over there. I've become yet one more deadened policy guy working to not think about what this shit means on the small scale.

And somehow I was more freaked by what just happened to a cartoon character then I have been by anything else since we first took Baghdad. Then, of all places, Get Fuzzy (couldn't figure out how to link to it, sorry) took on the same issue, with, in fact, a sharper political bite.

We all know that more and more of our people are dying over there. Most of us even know already that Shrub and his "people" (I use the term loosely) are trying to keep it quiet. Many of us even know about the current "stop loss" and reactivation and restaffing of draft boards.

We have a brutal path ahead and some horrible actions as a nation to atone for. And we don't even know how bad it gets from here.

But however bad it may be getting, let's not repeat one mistake of the Indochina wars and allow the returning vets to disappear into obscurity. They shouldered their burden. Increasingly, we will have to shoulder ours.

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Nasty Reminders

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  • start here []. sorry, link will be dead in 30 days.
    • I've been wondering about that -- two different comic strips on the same day in which a character loses a leg in Iraq. Is this co-ordinated? It seems unlikely -- if they did co-ordinate something like this, it would seem odd to decide that to use the exact same injury. Or is it a reference to a specific case in the news?
    • Thanks. I was going through, which uses one of those annoying scripts that doesn't modify the URL.
      Interestingly, Conley looks to have disabled his personal info and contact pages for the duration. An article in AP on the Iraq vet series says that he is refusing to be interviewed.

      I always liked GF as a silly strip with no broader significance but he's getting really ascerbically political this past six months or so. I'ld love to know what led him to change.
      He's always presented as this very me []
  • title sez it all.

    Yeah- I like these new get fuzzy t00nz. They have mucho edge.
  • That our very own Red Warrior [] is over in Iraq right now. May he come home no worse for the wear. Send pr0n and clean socks if you want to make his tour a bit more comfortable. ;-)

    BTW The woman who took this very powerful photograph [] has been fired [] for allowing the Seattle Times to publish it.
    Can't have photos of flag draped coffins en mass, it might remind people that the 700+ US dead represent 700 coffins being offloaded at Dover, that 700 families will never see their loved ones again, and that 700 soldie
  • I normally don't ask, but I don't want to get locked out of your journals. I skimmed through most the other journal entry, & if I understand correctly, then your mom might start posting on slashdot & you won't let her post in your journals.

    I seem to remember that we are on good terms. I know that we don't agree much on anything. Despite that, though, I think that it would be profitable to be able to maintain communications between you & me.

Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later. -- F. Brooks, "The Mythical Man-Month"
