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Journal sllort's Journal: Microsoft removes "User Vote" section from License 4

You may all remember this story where ZDNet caught Microsoft employees emailing each other a reminder to vote in a .NET vs. Java poll in order to influence the results. Well, last week's story about Microsoft's new CIFS license linked to the license which allowed users to rate it. Not surprisingly, many Slashdot users decided it would be a great idea to vote in the poll in order to influence the results. Finding this amusing in an ironic sort of way, I proceeded to egg everyone on a little.

You might be interested to note that Microsoft has quietly removed user voting results from the License.

Update: 04/08/2002:
Wakko is right. Maybe their ASP server was just crashed? Maybe someone at Microsoft reads my journal religously (most likely the case). Anyway, before writing this story I got a MS-SQL error when attempting to rate the document. Now, four hours later, the results are back. Maybe their software is just flaky.

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Microsoft removes "User Vote" section from License

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