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Journal MonTemplar's Journal: Instant filing - just add water 4

Came into the office this morning to find several leaks in the ceiling near my desk, and my filing trays looking rather waterlogged... :( Oh well, mostly ancient stuff anyhow, so (hopefully) no great loss.

I am now typing this to the sounds of several drips landing into strategically-placed containers. If I post a really cranky JE later today, you'll know why... :)

Yay for flat roofs (not!)


This discussion was created by MonTemplar (174120) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Instant filing - just add water

Comments Filter:
  • An idea (Score:2, Interesting)

    by GeckoFood ( 585211 )

    Make sure your containers are of different sizes and widths, so that when a drop hits the surface of the water contained therein, you'll get a different pitch for each container. Set it up right and you could have some interesting-sounding music.

  • Building failures are most fun when they are a remote memory.

    Some years ago, they were putting in new ventilation ductwork in the office building where I worked. This work included sawing round holes in the dividing floors with a water-cooled concrete saw. What they had forgotten were the old electrical conduits that went inside the concrete, and which served the ceiling lights in the offices. So besides the usual noise and mess (though noise-wise, this sawing is vastly preferrable to impact hammers) we

  • The past couple days have produced the first real rain in almost six months in these parts, and I am reminded of how much I enjoy the sound of rain on glass. Last night, I spent about an hour trying to find a reasonably long audio file that I could play of this amazingly peaceful sound. The best I could come up with was a 16 second mp3. There are several "Nature Sounds" CDs for sale out there, with rain and birds and storms and waves and... but I'm really only looking for rain. Just sitting in the dark

"The vast majority of successful major crimes against property are perpetrated by individuals abusing positions of trust." -- Lawrence Dalzell
