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Journal heliocentric's Journal: My boys can swim! (heliocentric version 2.0) 21

Well, Tuesday was luvsbway's birthday (she's catching up to me!) and I took her out to eat. The place was BYOB and this was the sort of event I would expect to see luvsbway getting loaded. But she was strangely not partaking in the booze.

She then made the announcement... Well, I don't really know how to "announce" these sorts of things online, but it seems there's a reason luvsbway has been late, if you catch my drift.

It seems I'm going to be a pappa, and join the many ranks of other fellow Slashdot-parents here.

Things are quite early at this stage; we don't know gender, but assuming luvsbway hasn't been strangely getting around I'm predicting the child will be human. Human is an excellent starting point for my children, IMHO.

I have tried to explain to the cat that there's a baby coming, he took it in stride and licked himself. He seems well mannered around kids (so long as they don't chase him screaming "KITTY!") so I'm not worried about the two getting along. (Cats are smarter than kids until the kids hit about 4 or so, and then this reverses when the kids hit 13.)

Before you get ahead of me: no, I'm not a hippy freak like my sister and the kid won't have terribly long names. If it's a girl my pick for a name is Cathleen, but we'd call her Cathy for short. I don't know about a boy's name. Whatever comes, I will be here to support my kid.

I guess you could say right now I am happy about the kid, but I'm not exactly happy about the money situation at the moment. I'm sure once a lot of the shock of this wears off I'll be better about things.

At least I'll finally have someone sharing similar odd cravings at all hours of the day and night.

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My boys can swim! (heliocentric version 2.0)

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