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Journal tf23's Journal: Timeline 1

While reading the last Wired magazine that we recieved, they have a blurb about a new movie that's coming out on November 26th. The movie is called "Timeline".

I cannot *wait* to see this Movie. I am just as excited about this movie as I am about the Return of the King.

This book was one of the best books that I've read over the past few years. Infact, I've been meaning to re-read it, except I think it was lent out to one of my friends and never returned. (Friends have a habit of 'Oh that book was that good huh? can I borrow it?')

I read the book in about a day or so, I couldn't put it down.

Anyway, I don't normally hawk books/movies/products in journals. But this book was, imho, a very good read. I hope the movie does the book justice.

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  • I saw the trailer and it didn't look too exciting. I hope it's not going to end up like The Time Machine or many other disappointing sci-fi movies.

We warn the reader in advance that the proof presented here depends on a clever but highly unmotivated trick. -- Howard Anton, "Elementary Linear Algebra"
