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Journal batconnie's Journal: Career Options 3

I have realized that I could never teach middle school children. I'd probably murder them on the chance that they piss me off. I came to this conclusion today when I was monitoring my mother's eighth period class, who are such awful children and I am throughly convinced that their parents do not believe in discipline. But in any case, they were misbehaving and the children had no respect what so ever. After several times of telling them to calm down, behave, and to sit, I became frustrated and had to yell at two boys who did not listen. I merely told them that I wasn't running a daycare and that if I were their parents, I'd be embarrassed of them and lead them to the deep end of a lake and let them drown. I also told to act their own age and if they wanted a babysitter, I'd gladly provide a number for them. One of those neurotic brats said that his behavior was normal and that no one tells him what to do. So I replied, "Sit down and shut up. Read a book or do something intellectual, if you even know what that means." Then he became quiet and some other neurotic brat was saying he'd jump me after school. I told him, "Why wait? Do it now, I have no reason to prolong my death." I think I like scaring these little children, but I'd rather have thier heads in a sack and deliver them on the front stoop of their parents' homes.
Here's another one. There is a young girl who is attention deprived. I remember the first time I met her, she pierced her own ear in the classroom and asked to go to the restroom to stop the bleeding. I gave her a strange look as my mother said, "She's starved for attention." I didn't really know what to say but other than, "I'd talk to her parents." you see, my career as a teacher does not have a well outlook in my future.

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Career Options

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