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Journal LWATCDR's Journal: Them VS US

Who is them and who is us.
The Who are the extreme Right and the extreme Left.
My sig still gets comments. I really want to change it just for change sakes but I do want to let the bigots think they won. Truth is I have more tolerence for people that try to deny God than those that try and get Evolution kicked out of schools. There is not such thing as Scientifc Creationism. It is an oxymoron. However to deny God seems equally as stupid. Why God can not be proven the effects seew wide spread. Of course there are those that would point to the evil that has been done in God's name as an effect. Yet if you look that evil has always happened when men of power have twisted religion and convinced the weak minded to follow them. Just rember that Hitler and his friends where not Christians but where pagans. The where into the Norse Gods, Fire, and even there symbol was stolen from Hindism. Good old Stalin, Chairman Mao, and the current leaders of North Korea are all athists. Evil comes from all directions. So does good. One should not jump to a conclusion to the good or evil nature of a person just from the fact that they do or not believe in a God. I personaly think that Christ loves thoses that try to good without the benifit of his teachings every bit as much as those that believe in him. Well I guess I can take the comments of fools if it helps other to be more tolerent.

"Unibus timeout fatal trap program lost sorry" - An error message printed by DEC's RSTS operating system for the PDP-11
