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Journal Zachary Kessin's Journal: Jerusalem to Tel Aviv (and back) 5

Every few weeks I have to venture out of Jerusalem down to the Tel Aviv area for something. This time I had to go to Rush HaAyin to get a new power supply for my iBook (the old one had died). So after waiting for 2 hours in the Jerusalem central bus station.

The Central bus station is itself an interesting expreience. The security there is if anything as tight as many airports, metal detectors and x-ray machines and the like. In israel we take security real seriously, Having been here a month I now instinctivly open my backpack for inspection whenever I go anywhere (Mall,resturant, Shuk etc). And ofcourse inside the bus station are a lot of young israelis in army uniforms all with their rifles hung over their back. If anyone tried to shoot up a long distance bus here he might well get a real shock as 20 soldiers started returning fire.

So I finally get to Rosh haAyin and have to take a cab to the place I am going. Get my power supply. Getting home I can't figure out how to get to my bus, so I take a local bus to the train (I had never been on a train here before, they don't come up to Jerusalem) and take that to Tel Aviv and then the 480 back here to Jerusalem.

Every time I have to go to Tel Aviv I am hit by one thought,
G-d am I glad I live in Jerusalem.

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Jerusalem to Tel Aviv (and back)

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  • Every time I have to go to Tel Aviv I am hit by one thought, G-d am I glad I live in Jerusalem.

    I've never been to Israel, so forgive my ignorance, but what's so bad about Tel Aviv? Too big? Too liberal?

    I hope you can give us a scoop on the Justice for Jonathan Pollard rally [] held last Sunday in Jerusalem.

    • Nothing exactly is wrong with Tel Aviv. Its smaller than Jerusalem. Its a lot more secular, But there are a lot of secular folks here in Jerusalem as well.

      Part of it is that its a lot taller a city and a lot more modern in its outlook. While much of Jerusalem is in fact very much recent building the fact is that this city in many ways feels old. In part its because everything here is made out of Jerusalem stone which gives the city a wonderful pinkish gold look.

      Here in Jerusalem almost every resturant eve
  • The most in-depth info I have been told about Tel Aviv is that it is party city.

    A guy at one of my Army schools did a few tours on "peace keeping duty" in the Sinai. On weekends they would go direct to Tel Aviv to party and hookup with hot chicks.

    He mentioned some club that is built over the intersection of two major highways, but I don't remember the name.
    • He mentioned some club that is built over the intersection of two major highways, but I don't remember the name.

      Ask him.. I want to know too (although there aren't many major highways here.. and I can't remember a club which is built over an intersection. Maybe near an intersection?
      • Well, I haven't seen him since 1988, but if I do again I will be sure to let you know :-)

        If I am remembering the description correctly it was above the intersetion, intersection under neath it and lots of glass.

        Of course I could have all of it messed up except the hooking up with chicks part :(

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