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Journal GigsVT's Journal: HDTV and stuff 2

Wouldn't it have made more sense to use standard computer monitor resolutions and frequencies for HDTV?

You could use the same hardware for a computer or a TV, and it wouldn't matter. The prices would drop to all time lows with the economy of scale.

It seems pretty stupid to make up new standards, when ones already exist that fulfill the purpose.

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HDTV and stuff

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  • by qtp ( 461286 )
    That wouldn't be fair to all of the hard working industrialists who have endeavored so diligintly to provide what the American consumer wants (even before the consumer knows that he wants it).

    If open standards are applied to solve such technological advancements in the delivery of the media there would be no opportunity for the existing corporations to exercise thier god given right to either a limited monopoly on the technology (supported by royalty payments and/or licensing) or an outright monopoly on pr
  • 1. Get an idea.
    2. Make already usable parts unusable or obsolite, drastically increasing the net effect of your product in the marketplace.
    3. Profit!

    If everyone used everything that can already be efficiently made, sure you wouldn't have as much pollution and whatnot and resources being wasted, but that would result in less jobs, which means less people making money to buy things, which means less jobs, which means poor ecenomy. It sucks, but, from how I see it, the US is usually good at making money becau

Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute.
