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Journal GigsVT's Journal: getting hitched 9

I'm getting married today. Sort of a low profile thing. I've been pretty indifferent to marriage, viewing it mostly as a religious thing, being agnostic, I didn't think it made much difference to me personally.

But it does make a big difference to her, even though I considered myself married (at least I've been as committed as if we were) as long as I've been with her.

It does mean something to me as well, even though I didn't think it would. There are some psychological consequences to making a legal commitment on top of an existing commitment.

So we're getting married. Today. Don't even have rings yet. Plan to have a ceremony sometime in the future, maybe a year from now. It's going to be one of those things where most people find out after the fact. You guys actually know before our parents even know. :)

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getting hitched

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