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Journal SpeZek's Journal: Slashdot: It ain't what it used to be (Or perhaps I'm not?)

I've been really considering dropping Slashdot from my daily reading list.

It's no longer a place where experts from dozens of fields can come together to provide insight on stories about technology, politics, or just general geek stuff. It's more of an echo chamber now. Linux vs. Microsoft. Men vs. Women. Everything is antagonistic and unproductive.

The sexism, especially, is starting to get to me. Maybe I'm some sort of freak, but I actually care quite a bit for genders that aren't my own, and it pains me to see such rabid anti-intellectual backwards opinions about them on a site I used to admire for its clarity of thought and forward-thinking.

Kind of sucks, since I pretty much grew up here.

Maybe I outgrew it.

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Slashdot: It ain't what it used to be (Or perhaps I'm not?)

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