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Journal NaveWeiss's Journal: Movie review (with hardly any details): East Is East 5

Sucky movie. Don't watch it.

More details: It's shipped as a comedy (and you can get mistaken by its colorfull logo), but it isn't really funny... I mean... would you consider a movie where a woman is beaten by her husband a comedy?

No. It's just a sucky movie about a Pakistanian family in England. Although the girl there is hot, the movie is sucky and not interesting. Especially the father figure which is a traditional jerk, who somehow married a british redhead.

Here are some more details about what happens in the movie. Probably it's spoiling:
There's that family. They have a lots of sons, and according to the tradition, the father decides the brides of his children. It may come to the children in total surprise that the father already planned their wedding and stuff.
So one son from this family ran from his wedding and became gay (so he got banished by the father). The father didn't learn his lesson and now he's planning more weddings to his other sons.. and that's after forcing a circumcision on his younger son (because he forgot to that earlier).

So. This film is a piece of crap, just like most of the Film Four company, who provided humanity other atrocities* such as Trainspotting and Dancer In The Dark. That's why that company got closed, and they deserve it. DIE!

* I actually didn't really hate Four Wedding And A Funeral, also by this company.. but I think it's mostly because you could see Andie MacDowell's boobs there. Have you noticed that it's hard to see breasts nowadsys in movies? It really really sucks.
I kinda liked The Crying Game too. Oh well.

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Movie review (with hardly any details): East Is East

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