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Journal Archangel Michael's Journal: MP3s and Music 1

I just realized something. I am not a cultural Maven (whatever THAT means). I have never used a P2P software of anykind to download MP3 (or anything else).

My problem is that I am not "into" music that much. I don't mind listening to music, but most of the "pop" music is irritating to me. (C)rap music is just plain Nasty for the most part. Metal is grinding on my nerves, Britney et al is just plain annoying drivel.

Silence is much better than filling my ears with lousy and bad junk music. Most people can't stand their own thoughts, and would much rather not have to think.

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MP3s and Music

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  • Well, I used Napster way back in 2000 for like 3 songs, just to try it out.

    I'm not into the current music scene, either. Sometimes I feel self-conscious about my lack of musical savvy. But most of the time, I just enjoy what I enjoy.


"You don't go out and kick a mad dog. If you have a mad dog with rabies, you take a gun and shoot him." -- Pat Robertson, TV Evangelist, about Muammar Kadhafy
