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Journal Archangel Michael's Journal: Friend to all 3

I have decided, that life is too short to hate people, even those that hate me. So, in an effort to inflict as much positive love energy, I have decided to apply a virtual hug to my Freaks, by adding them to my Friends list.

That is right, virtual hug! As long as you are on my freaks list, I am gonna hug you, by being your friend, even if I am your Foe.

Change your mind, let me know, and I will remove you from my Friend list. But as long as you hate me, I am gonna love you, Brother (or sister).

Have a blessed day.

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Friend to all

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  • this [] - that's my -1 flamebait point. Just because there's no "-1 wrong" setting. It's easy to shoot civilians and tell they were disguised soldiers, trying to attack. Just like killing journalists, just like bombing busses filled with civilians, outside Iraq. Not to mention, Iraq to Afghanistan is about like Cuba to Alaska...

    Sorry, but I'm listening to other medias than US-based. And I grew up in a country where you learnt to smell fake propaganda from afar - and what American media say stinks a big time.
    • Oh, I agree on media biased. However it tends to biased against the conservatives, especially in the print and CBSNBCABCCNNTIMEWARNER news agencies.

      Every News agency is Biased. Ever one! And the ones that don't admit their bias are just plain stupid or evil. There is NO unbiased news reporting whatsoever.

      But as for your claim that it is JUST as easy to claim that soldiers were dressing up in civilian uniforms, it is just as likely (perhaps moreso) that they were in fact soldiers dressed up in civilian clo
    • I still love you man.


The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.
