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Journal peripatetic_bum's Journal: Views Points of 1

Another thing I've been thinking about is the slashdot user themselves. While its true that a large number of them are thoughtful people, I have to say an even greater number of them really don't have a clue. This is mostly the fault of the narrow education system that is now encourage. When you teach someone only science (technical matters) than all they know and believe is that science is the only valid method to anything.

It is very clear from reading a lot of post that while most are technically proficient they really dont have any idea of the environment in which they grew up.

Recently there was post about how buying computers for poor people would be a waste of time. The main thread through out all this was that good equipment was being wasted on the poor because they wouldnt know what to do with it.

The degree of racism and just plain ignorance was astounding. When I pointed this out, I was modded out of existance. But the key is, and here is what is surprising is, that they never once considered how they came in contact with their own first computer.

Someone gave them their first contact with a computer, someone else gave them an environemt in which computers were something they could have access to. I was astounded when one of the posters said that they worked all summer to buy their first computer. This person was obviously oblivous to the fact that this was not his first exposure to his computer, but a result of a previous exposure to computer. (mind you I am not discounting his hard work, this is a product of culture and his own initiative) Anyway it was clear that the mind set was: The poor and rich get what they deserve, that the "Free Market" works fairly IS a Mantra with no clear idea of what free markets really are and how they really are controlled.

I was called a commie! (ohhh the horror)
I was called a socialist (ohhh)

But I'd like to point out that if it werent for the government sponsered funding of the ARPANET ( we would not have this. I dont think the FreeMarket brought the internet around. In the end, the FreeMarket may end up destroying the internet as we know. I think SCO's free market tactics are capitalism at it's freest form, and we all should take heed

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  • Heh - I bought my first computer. Saved for a year doing a paper route and some other crap. 486/66SLC2 ... that was a rip off.

    But yeah, if it wasn't for my friend's father owning a workstation for AutoCAD in his basement I would have never discovered my true love for computers.

    Well the idea with giving computers to the poor. People just make the assumption (especially us high and mighty slashdotters - some of whom consider themselves to be the elite of the 31337) that the average poor person is too stupid to use a computer and should never be given hand outs.

    But definately, the exposure should be made. Sure, for the starving poor it's important to just get them food and nutrition first. Oh well ...

    heh, i was called a commie and a socialist. but so far my favourite accusation is that i'm an anarchist. (not on slashdot - else where)

All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
