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Journal Archangel Michael's Journal: Of Friends and fans, Foes and Freaks 8

Second Freak Whoot.

I have no idea what I did to piss that guy off.

Wife's birthday is tomarrow. Got to get her something nice. Any suggestions. I am thinking jewelry. But that is the "easy" choice, isn't it?

I think Bethanie is the best Slashdot friend I have.

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Of Friends and fans, Foes and Freaks

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  • by rkz ( 667993 )
    I can't believe you have such a low ammount of freaks with such a low ID. I have got erm.. let me see...25!
  • ...what you mean by "best"?

    As in your favorite?
    As in the most responsive?
    As in the most loyal and unlikely ever to leave your side?
    As in the most gullible and likely to respond by asking you to clarify what you mean?!

    Hunh? Hunh? Hunh?

    As for the wife... How about some flowers, a heartfelt love note, a meal out at her favorite restaurant, and an evening of tender, passionate lovemaking (don't forget the oral sex!! -- for HER, not you! Silly!). Oh, and I guess you've got to get her something *special
    • 1) Best means better than the rest.

      2) Yes, my favorite, See #1

      3) Yes, most responsive, see #2

      4) Only time will tell.

      5) Perhaps, but that wouldn't make you the best now would it?

      As for my wife, she like the flowers, my heartfelt note, meal out and passed on the passionate lovemaking, which would have included Oral (for her, silly). I did get her a nice pair of Topaz earings, just 'cause.

      four out of five ain't bad.

Heisenberg may have slept here...
