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Journal jeffy124's Journal: MLB All Star Game (Poll) 18

Baseball's All Star game requires each team be represented by at least one player. This was a good idea, when there were 10 teams in each league. But now with 14 AL teams and 16 NL teams, you end up having some deserving players snubbed because some low-ranking team has to have someone at the game. To my knowledge, the NBA, NHL, and NFL have no such requirements for their All Star games.

Question #1: Should MLB eliminate this rule?

Additionally, MLB allows fans to vote for the starting lineups. Result is a popularity contest. IMO, Sammy Sosa does not deserve to be a starter this year, yet is #2 in outfielder voting. IMO, either Andrew Jones or Albert Pujols are much more deserving of a start. Similar has happened in previous seasons, such as 1990's Mike Schmidt getting voted a starter despite retirement in May, or the countless Ken Griffey Jr injuries.

This year MLB is allowing players to vote as well, and their vote will carry some weight.

Question #2: Will it help?

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MLB All Star Game (Poll)

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  • As far as each team sending a player, I see this as a good thing.

    For example, the Devil Rays have a crappy team. they do however, have some nice young talen developing in the majors, such as Baldelli, their center fielder. Now, since he is (by most accounts) the best player on the team, he should go, even over the likes of Andrew Jones or another big name center fielder. The reason is because each city deserves a chance to root on one of their home teams' players.

    Question 2: Yeah, it is a popularity c
  • No each team should not have a player. It's democratic and nice but teams that suck should be held up and have others realize they suck. "See, the Phillies haven't had anyone in the All-Star game since Schmidt. Maybe we need a new GM."
    Secondly, the players voting should be the basis of selection, followed by Managers/GMs and Sportswriters.
    Fans should be allowed to watch the game. That's about it.
    I mean, Phillies fans were chanting E-A-G-L-E-S at the game on Sunday. You want these people with ballots?!?
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • I personally think that market size has littel to do with it. One thing that does concern me in coming years is online voting. I'm willing to bet that in a few years, players in more affluent cities and markets will have an advantage over smaller markets with the rise of online voting. eg, players in San Fran might do better than those in Miami. But even still - I think that fans should have a say in the All Star games.

        Yes - sportswriters vote for Baseball HOF. I dont know about football or otehr spor
  • Free Pete! (Score:2, Insightful)

    by gmhowell ( 26755 )
    Until Pete Rose gets his props, MLB can kiss my ass. Oh, yeah, and I'll go to Camden Park when I can walk over Angelos's tombstone.

    • Why free pete? Seriously.

      Dude clearly broke the rules and never admitted it.

      So what if the rules seem trivial to us, he knew before he did what he did that it was wrong.

      I have no pity for pete until he admits that he bet on baseball. Until then, suck on it, Pete.
      • Pete isn't the only criminal in MLB. He's just one of the few to get caught and reprimanded.
        • Oh, I agree totally. However, until he admits that he actually bet on the game, they won't let him in. The reason for this is because it was a part of his "punishment"

          Other examples of grabasstic bags of shit include Darryl Strawberry and that other dude, Doc Gooden.

          those two are winners, let me tell you.
          • I was going to mention Darryl in my earlier reply to you:)

            You are right: Pete has to fess up. Problem is, he's still got a gambling problem. Maybe his friends/family need to pull an intervention?
          • If Darryl and Doc are REPEATEDLY allowed to be apart of the game after snorting 5 millions pounds of Cocaine, then Pete can be in the HOF. We'll let Drug Addicts play and send the wrong message to our kids, but gambling?!? OH NO! NOT GAMBLING! MLB has their priorities all out of whack.
    • Pete will get back in someday. I think Selig will eventually cave in under pressure from fans.

      Do you mean Oriole Park at Camden Yards or Camden NJ's minor league stadium?

      Angelos's tombstone - huh?
      • You can call it Oriole Park, but I call it Camden Yards. The only reason the name was changed to the former is so that Peter Angelos and MLB could get an extra dollar on each ticket sold. Seriously. For non-MLB/Orioles events, because of the trademark status of the name Orioles (held jointly by the corp. and MLB) if it appears on the ticket, they must get some money that works out to about $2/ticket.

interlard - vt., to intersperse; diversify -- Webster's New World Dictionary Of The American Language
