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Journal jeffy124's Journal: Hi Jeff, we're gonna be sending you an offer letter.... 12


I'm a workin' boy again! I got a job!

I dont start until after the July 4 weekend, and I'm gonna be moving back home with my parents for a few months.

But - I got a job!

Special thankyous are to be granted to those who posted very good suggestions in my previous JE about the length of the resume.

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Hi Jeff, we're gonna be sending you an offer letter....

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  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • if you can call it that - yes. the interviewers said they were highly impressed with my co-ops and other experience, along with my skill set.

      interestingly - it was an electronic resume that got me the job. i think you one who said something along the lines of "if it's electronic, length doesnt really matter."
  • may you not get stuck in my situation ;)
  • if you don't mind me asking, since you are in the Delaware Valley.
    • the company is in the moorestown/mt laurel area in jersey. they're a subcontractor on a defense project with a bunch of other more well-known defense contractor companies.

      about a 30 minute commute from my place in philly, possibly longer when I move home. but at least i'll only be home for a short time until get my own place again.
      • uh, csc? or it could be level 3.
        since it's dod, that's cool if you don't want to post it. good luck.
        and, if you can believe it, camden is becoming the hot place to live.
        yes, camden.
        • especially in this weather...... ok bad joke.

          IMO - Camden still has aways to go in terms of attracting a decent group of people to live there. They're on pace for greater than 50 murders this year, the worst they've had in a while.

          The waterfront has been a great improvement over the past 10 years or so, and I know they're gonna start working on getting decent housing projects going with hopes of attracting a more favorable population.
  • Congrats!! So what is the new position you are taking?
    • it's a systems engineering job - handling the OO design of the software using UML type stuff. Little actual coding involved (from my standpoint).
  • Good job! We're proud of you!!


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