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Journal Okian Warrior's Journal: Ask slashdot: What are some good AI regulations? 2

There's been a lot of discussion about regulating AI in the news recently, including Sam Altman going before a Senate committee begging for regulation.

So far I've seen only calls for regulation, but not suggestions on what those regulations should be. Since Slashdot is largely populated with experts in various fields (software, medicine, law, &c), maybe we should begin this discussion. And note that if we don't create the reasonable rules, congress (mostly 80-year old white men with conflicts of interest) will do it for us.

What are some good AI regulation suggestions?

I'll start:

A human (and specifically, not an AI system) must be responsible for any medical treatment or diagnosis. If an AI suggests a diagnosis or medical treatment, there must be buy-in from a human who believes the decision is correct, and who would be held responsible in the same manner as a doctor not using AI. The AI must be a tool used by, and not a substitute for, human decisions.

This would avoid problems with humans ignoring their responsibility, relying on the software, and causing harm through negligence. Doctors can use AI to (for example) diagnose cancer, but it will be the doctor's diagnosis, and not the AI's.

What other suggestions do people have?

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Ask slashdot: What are some good AI regulations?

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  • Fresh fodder for ya.

  • I just typed the question into ChatGPT, and here's what it said:

    Transparency Law: AI systems should be designed to operate with transparency and provide clear explanations of their decision-making processes to users. This includes disclosing the data sources used, the algorithms employed, and any biases or limitations present in the system.

    Accountability Law: Developers and operators of AI systems should be held accountable for the actions and outcomes of their technology. They should take responsibility for addressing any potential harms, biases, or unintended consequences arising from their AI systems, ensuring proper safeguards are in place.

    Privacy Law: AI systems should respect and protect user privacy rights. Data collected and processed by AI should be handled securely, with user consent and in compliance with applicable privacy laws. Users should have control over their personal data and be informed about how it is used by AI systems.

The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected. -- The Unix Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972
