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Journal davidwr's Journal: Is enforced pregnancy after rape a form of slavery?

Roe v. Wade was recently overturned in the United States. This means abortion laws are pretty much left up to the individual states.

Some states outlaw abortions and do not provide exceptions when the pregnancy is the result of rape.

Here's a thought: Should a rape victim who becomes pregnant be entitled to sue the rapist for "9 months of involuntary servitude" under anti-slavery laws?

If the rapist cannot pay or is unknown, should the victim be allowed to sue the state for compensation under anti-slavery laws for the several months between the time the victim would have had the opportunity to end the pregnancy under Roe v. Wade and the actual end of the pregnancy?


Notice that I am not advocating requiring that states allow abortion for rape victims. Weighing the morality of abortion vs. the morality of slavery is a discussion for another time. I AM advocating that enforced pregnancy be seen as a form of slavery and that all parties that contribute to this condition should be held financially responsible for the damages inherent in being enslaved.


I have turned comments off on purpose. Slashdot is not the forum for this type of discussion.

Instead, I invite everyone who reads this to think about it and discuss it with their loved ones, their religious leaders, and their political leaders.

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. -- Pablo Picasso
