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Journal Trax3001BBS's Journal: Microsoft and Defender are trying to delete my HOSTS file Solved -solved-


It was just a matter of time. Microsoft has screwed with the HOSTS file lots. Going as far as disabling it many years ago (I was told of this). Went to find proof in the form of a link and found they have been doing this for at least a

How this began...

Yesterday I found a file nobody will talk about: StructuredQuery.log, it was split if it was a bad thing or not.

The answer was as vague as it could be.


Is it normal for iexplore.exe to create a %TMP%\StructuredQuery.log file?

        The file contents are several SQL queries of you favorites.


        Hi Tony,

        Yes. It is normal.

        It is the log for all searches we have done.


There it is - When Microsoft feels like it they will grab your links used, while IE was mention I haven't used IE since Win95.

Believe I'm the only one not in the loop that is aware of just what GWX really did. (Get Windows 10), came across it 7 days after it was sent out. And swear to a deity my HOSTS file blocked it from leaving. (for /. I wrote of GWX in my Journal, but messed up the name).

Screw it came across this link: Completely Disable & Remove Windows 10 Telemetry


So I followed it as a guide. Two programs were mentioned and, while not my style, installed them only to remove them this morning. IObit Uninstaller and Spybot. Spybot I found today had edited my HOSTS file, I kept the edits, but it added them as where I had to rename them

And my find of just a bit over a year ago says I have to prevent my HOSTS file from being deleted. A file that has its own RFC (very much part of the Internet). My HOSTS file is so large it messes with the DNS cache and I have to disable the DNS Client in the Services. About a year ago, Microsoft removes the DNS cache control from the services and now must be isabled in the Registry (figure they are following GOP's lead and making it hard if not impossible for many).

Windows 10: HOSTS file blocking telemetry is now flagged as a risk


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Microsoft and Defender are trying to delete my HOSTS file Solved -solved-

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