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Journal fustakrakich's Journal: Self defense? 22

When the existence of the Church is threatened, she is released from the commandments of morality. With unity as the end, the use of every means is sanctified, even deceit, treachery, violence, usury, prison, and death. Because order serves the good of the community, the individual must be sacrificed for the common good. -- Dietrich von Nieheim, Bishop of Verden, 1411.

As the saying goes, *We're all bozos on this bus*

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Self defense?

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  • I won't give you the D_R "No True Scotsman" play, but I will quote someone truly not a Scotsman, who is qualified to judge such:

    Matthew 7 []
    21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depar

    • Don't take it too seriously. I think the translator took some "artistic" license. And in those days, it was real war.

      • I take the Gospel seriously. The high church, not so much.
        • The Gospel was written by men also.

          • Once more: if we are taking a purely materialistic view, sure.

            We took that "life is merely an arrangement of atoms" road, and I lost track of why I thought that I thought that we were conversing.

            We can pretend to factor out any other dimensions in "life", but we certainly behave as though the other, aesthetic, dimensions exist.
            • Well then, what makes those men so special? All they can relate are their own personal perceptions, or hallucinations, as the case may be

              We can pretend to factor out any other dimensions in "life"

              When we try to factor them in, we are accused of being on LSD. Somebody must be right, eh?

1 Angstrom: measure of computer anxiety = 1000 nail-bytes
