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User Journal

Journal Surazal's Journal: To be funny or to be political, that is the question

Recently, I've decided to become a bit more active in online discussions. Not just here, per se. I go on gaming discussion boards (for instance, go to the official Masters of Orion III discussion boards... there's a few unimportant comments in there by me).

I've been writing humor articles lately. I haven't published them at all since I've been kinda busy with, well, a job and life and all and everything. Also, seems like I've been getting a bug up my ass to post regular kinda-run-of-the-mill stuff too. Like I tend to spout off my mouth quite a bit, just like your average red-blooded american. :)

So, the conundrum I face is, ok, do I be serious or be funny? One or the other, which is it?

Tonight I had an epiphany: Nothing worth laughing at is worth taking seriously.

Thta's my huge earth-shaking thought for the night. That's it, folks!

No seriously that's it. Go to bed, fer crying out loud.

8 Catfish = 1 Octo-puss
