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Journal Marxist Hacker 42's Journal: Transact SQL- inventing fake records efficiently 3

This is going to seem downright blasphemous to some data scientists, but it is what I'm being asked to do in support of a Power BI Report and some weird behavior on the part of the business.

Basically, I have a list of results from tests, and am being asked to invent a new category of results for estimated number of tests when the total number of tests is less than the recorded estimate.

I already have two recordsets- the list of real results, and the categorized list of the difference between Real and Estimate.

I'm sure I could, with a double while loop and a cursor, simply loop through the recordset and then run a while loop

But there has to be a way to do this with set operations.

Basically, what I need is something like:
Insert Into Results (Result, EndDate-1hour, category, subcategory) Select Result, Enddate-1hour, category, subcategory for records loop NumberofRecords=EstimateDelta

But even with 21 years of experience in SQL, I don't know quite how to do that.

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Transact SQL- inventing fake records efficiently

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