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Journal Marxist Hacker 42's Journal: Moderator points and the problem with feminism 4

Two rarities in a row. After many years of no moderator points, I've now received moderator points twice in a row.

And one of my more right-wing Catholic websites today has an excellent article on the misogynistic tendencies of liberalism. I almost never crosspost from Crisis to here because despite the degradation over the years, slashdot is a significantly more intelligent population, but I believe this article is worthy of your time.

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Moderator points and the problem with feminism

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  • For the better part of a decade, I let my karma fester as 'terrible' (childish, not-very-funny shit-posting), and never received them. After a few weeks of whoring for karma, I was up to excellent and started receiving 3, then 5 mod points on a semi-regular basis. These days, I usually have a heap of them, but I don't use them very much (est. 20% of mod points actually used).

    While I may or may not agree (I try to keep my opinions close to my chest, and qualify them where I feel the need to exposit) with t
    • My Karma has been a pretty steady Excellent since 2005. But I must admit to being partisan with my mod least the last 10. it now looks like I have mod points again, either that, or something is broken.

  • I haven't seen mod points in over 10 years. I suspect it will be a long while yet before I see them again. Oh well, I have other things to do anyway.

  • I have "Excellent" Karma but have ceased to care since I got moderator-banned during the great internet troll thread. Haven't been active for 11-12 years.

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