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Journal jeffy124's Journal: Shock & Ouch 11

So it's a nice day out, ideal for bike riding to campus. I get about 2 blocks from home and whack! - Some guy opens his car door just as I pass.

I think I was lucky. Had he been a split second earlier, I'd have taken the edge of the door headstrong and nose first, but instead took most of the brunt with my upper right arm, leaving a 6-7 inch long scrape from about 2 inches above the elbow up to the shoulder on the outer side of the arm. There was also no other traffic on that block - leaving plenty of room for me to jump off the bike as I fell.

A pair of large medicated bandages from CVS seem to be handling it for now, but the arm just hurts. What I can and cant do seems to vary - I could drag a chair across the floor but couldnt stick a straw in a cup from McDonalds. I guess it depends on which muscles are in use. I can move the arm around with no apparent restriction in movement, just some pain while doing so.

Bike sustained minimal damage. Right side brake handle broke, but that looks like it'll be easily fixed, and the seat got twisted, also easily fixed. The guy's car had no evidence of what happened.

Question - Do I put something like a heat pack or cold pack or something else on the upper arm? Suggestions? Other ideas - like leaving it alone?

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Shock & Ouch

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  • I'd get it checked out. Sounds like you might have just jammed it pretty good, but a slight shoulder seperation could have occured. If it is swelling, you want to put cold on it. If it isn't you might want to put some heat on it to get the blood flowing better.

    Obviously, take what I say with a grain of salt...I am not medically trained, but I did play a physician on tv.
    • I's always better to get these things checked out and be on the safe side.

      You're now a member of the club. Of all bike related injuries, 60% of mine have come from a parked vehicle accident like yours. Just glad to hear it wasn't more serious.
    • ...I am not medically trained, but I did play a physician on tv.
      In this day & age, lots of people can get on tv. Even I was a few times. Now, did you really play a physician on tv? If so when & where?
  • RICE == Rest Ice Compression Elevation.
    And take Em's advice, go see a doctor.
    Although, depending on your insurance, you could always cauterize and sew it up with some 3/0 silk.

    No, I'm not a doctor, but I did watch M*A*S*H a lot.
    • I don't know if you should worry about his insurance. Now the guy that hit him with the door, he may have to worry about insurance.
  • If you ride regularly, you develop a radar for doors about to open. I've done it for about 10 years (5 in LA, 5 in Boston) and it's not a coincidence the only time I've been doored was in the first 6 months.

    It's pretty scary -- mine split the tape on the handlebar leaving some really uneasy thoughts about what would have happened if my fingers had been there and not on the upper part. A woman got killed in Boston last summer.

    Hmmm, that's probably not helping you! Anyway, glad you're mostly OK, keep the ice

    • i do ride regularly, and have biked since 10/2001, and mostly have that radar. i think it failed today because the guy had his rear windows tinted, and that he hadn't just parked - he parked, sat there taking care of a few things, and then went to get out, so the car looked to be there like any other.

      Looking at my right hand, there are a few knicks on it, but nothing to be concerned and fret over. I'm not even sure if the door this morning caused them.
  • Wasn't around 30th street, was it?
    I almost got clobbered riding along there, by the Post Office once. Same deal.

    Quick story:
    I used to bike from Narberth to 15th & Market.
    I tried to leave around 7:00 so I could avoid road traffic. Basically took Lancaster to 34th and then over to Market and prayed all the way to 15th.
    So one morning, I'm around 4? Street (not sure which), had gotten a late start, and saw some of the locals working on a car. Now, at the time I had a mustache, mirroed glasses, black hel
    • nah, this happened near west catholic. which route i take from home (west University City) to Drexel varies. this morning I wanted to hit the Wawa (wanted a hoagie) at 36th & Chestnut before heading to campus, so I biked up to Chestnut via 45th, and got hit near 45th & Sansom. Other times I'll go down Spruce, then up 33rd.

      You should try using Chestnut (from 34th to 15th) instead of Market. They have a bike lane there, though from about 24th it's shared with buses, and people who cant read the s

"If that makes any sense to you, you have a big problem." -- C. Durance, Computer Science 234
