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Journal tomhudson's Journal: Ho to protect your job from outsourcing. 3

From another site:

Q. how can you protect your job from being outsourced?
A. Do something that's not in an O'Reilly book.

Jobs involving knowledge skills are transferable. A pair of hands is not.

The real question is how to create your own job today, because businesses won't do it for you. And the government won't - they're too busy bailing out the 1%'ers.

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Ho to protect your job from outsourcing.

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  • You seem to be advocating transferring to blue collar work, but I think that's a dead end too. We make less and less here. Home and office building building is going to stay stagnant for prolly a generation or better. We just don't need much more physical stuff. The growth will be in virtual stuff. And occupations like auto mechanic will become more knowledge worker than manual dexterity, as we switch to transmission-less vehicles with self-contained battery packs and electric motors. When was the last time

    • You seem to be advocating transferring to blue collar work, but I think that's a dead end too.

      I live in a city of several million - it's in the top 100 largest cities in the world. There there are almost NO jobs in IT. It's dead. It's the same 12 jobs advertised week after week on the job boards ... and it's been like that for a year. It's simply not coming back ... the "Great Build-out" is done.

      "Maintenance" doesn't require the same resources, or the same mind-set, or carry the same risks as new de

      • Seems like you've journaled about getting the hell out of your Dodge there, for job opportunities elsewhere. I know that can be very hard to do if you've bought a home and/or have family around. I for example stubbornly refused for the looong period that I was out of work, for these reasons (among others).

        A dice.com search for PHP in Los Angeles, California (~3.8 million people) for example gave 353 listings. Surprisingly to me that surpasses the number of listed ASP.NET jobs, at 325.

        p.s. Re: electric cars,

The biggest mistake you can make is to believe that you are working for someone else.
