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Journal roman_mir's Journal: Terrible 3

Hmmm. Now the moderation brought my karma all the way down to 'Terrible'. I didn't know there was a level called 'Terrible' before. I wonder what's below 'Terrible', is it 'Fuck You' or something?

It's obvious that there is a moderator around with unlimited points that has a problem with my comments, whatever my comments are at this point. An AC suggested that I don't bother commenting here, so that must be the guy (could it be a girl? I wonder).

So what's the big offense here? Obviously it's having an opinion that doesn't jive well with that moderator. I don't know if it's fear that others might agree with the opinion or is it just legitimate hatred of some sort the roots of which I can't even identify?

What can I say, I'll keep commenting but I can't comment under my name, the account doesn't allow me to leave more than 2 comments per 24 hours now, and if they keep moderating down, it's likely that the account will be shut down completely, so it's going to be impossible to comment under the account, so I'll be an AC. Still leaving comments, but now without history, which is quite lengthy for me here, over 10 years now.

Does this make any sense? I don't know.

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  • i looked through your comments. most of them are modded down for no good reason.

    however. you had one where you started cursing somebody out. you cannot say stuff like 'fuck you' and expect to have a good karma rating.

    • Thanks, it allowed me to post
      this [], this [] and this [].

      Hope you don't feel bad now that you moderated my other comments up so that I could post that other stuff.

      As to cussing, it's all about context. The context at that instance was that particular [] individual [] getting on my nerves, that's all there is to it.


      • when you start cursing someone out and making personal attacks, the comment gets voted down, and you lose karma. if you do it too much, you get auto terribled.

        thats the way it is, and thats the way it should be.

Garbage In -- Gospel Out.
