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Journal DarkOx's Journal: Khizr Khan-is just another Super Predator!

I think given how the media is treating this issue its clear the fix is in and they are shilling for Hillary. Itâ(TM)s funny a supposed legal expert has gotten so much attention for waving a pocket Constitution around without first googling the legal concepts he really ought to know about, like say the Plenary Power Shield ( http://www.law.cuny.edu/legal-writing/forum/immigration-law-essays/goyal.html ) which upheld by the supreme court, so loved by liberals, over and over again essentially says equal protection does not apply to non-citizens. So Trumpâ(TM)s proposed Muslim ban is actually entirely constitutional unless we are prepared to overturn a bunch precedent. Taking it a step further or existing immigration law ( https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1182 ) affords the president the power to suspend entry of any class of individuals he believes detectable to the united states by proclamation! So Trump would not even need congress. Put down your Constitution Khizr youâ(TM)re just plain WRONG.

It is also worth noting this guy has written in favor of the supremacy of Shariâ(TM)ah law! Certainly that makes him exactly the sort of dangerous radical with no real intention of integrating into the US secular population, that we should be denying entry into the US. Surprise surprise he is tied to the Clinton Foundation as well and has worked to abuse the immigration system to bring in other wealthy middle easterners, who otherwise might not have qualified for entry into the US.

Does not matter how virtuous his son might have been. Trump is absolutely right about this guy, he is an undesirable, which is probably why he had to take his website ( https://web.archive.org/web/20160802121411/http://www.kmkhanlaw.com/ ) down in such a hurry.

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Khizr Khan-is just another Super Predator!

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