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The Almighty Buck

Journal tqft's Journal: Open a betting pool? 3

How long until my phone rings offering me a job? Headhunted as opposed to me searching and applying. There might be a joke in here about barrel scraping.

2 days without accessing job feeds - 571 for immediate deletion (there is no way to stop them on the feed coming in but some filtering can be done once they are local). Hundreds that need to be looked at individually,

A few that haven't been bit bucketed tonight. I have 5 I sent to myself at work over the last week already that maybe I should apply for at least make some calls.

Not sure even a European implosion and US debt default is going to stop the Orient's thirst for resources - maybe even increase as they pump prime their economies.

Even the recruitment consultants are advertising for more people (bubble sign?).

I nominate 8 weeks.

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Open a betting pool?

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  • I usually have a headhunter on my back every couple of months. Usually for Documentum jobs. Yeah, as if I really wanted to work with that piece of crap. They also don't seem to understand I don't want to have to do with anything related to Redmond-made software.

    • by tqft ( 619476 )

      The available pool of workers is shrinking. Not only is unemployment low but the participation rate is high - ie those of working age who are actively seeking work is somewhere near a record
      ABS data []
      The mining companies in particular are screaming at the federal government to allow wholesale importation of workers - Chinese honcho's quite aggressively apparently suggested to a recent trade mission we have many workers for projects we are investing in - let us br

      • If I was an engineer, accountant or qualified welder, I would be raking it in.

        But you aren't and neither am I :-(

You can bring any calculator you like to the midterm, as long as it doesn't dim the lights when you turn it on. -- Hepler, Systems Design 182
