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Journal Qzukk's Journal: Damned gurus

So far this morning I've managed to eat breakfast, read the paper, vacuum, sweep, clean cat toilets, clean human toilets, and clean the shower.

What the hell am I going to do for the rest of the weekend other than sit here and refresh varnish errors?

Odd that some things (my comments page, the front page, my firehose journal search, and journal.pl?op=edit) seem to work just fine.

BTW: If a varnish developer is reading this, you might want to think about failing in some more graceful way. If varnish ever comes up at work, the first thing I'm going to think is "Varnish? Isn't that that thing that keeps throwing up errors at slashdot all the time?"

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Damned gurus

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Don't panic.
