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Journal jawtheshark's Journal: Ryan Ryttie / kesuki - Rest in peace 2

As most activity has gone away here, I often don't remember what real username maps to what person. It's fine, that is how this social media thing evolved.

What I do know, is that I knew Ryan Ryttie, from slashdot. Today, I saw a post from his sister that he passed away (Link to Facebook is public). No, I do not know the circumstances.

I know he stopped using his original username here. Ryan was a friend, sure he had is daemons. but he was a friendly and authentic person.

I post this in a journal, for others that may still wander here and may have known him.

May Ryan rest in peace.

[Edit: Ryan was known as kesuki on slashdot]

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Ryan Ryttie / kesuki - Rest in peace

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  • I was as good a friend as could be expected, using this journal system.
    Ryan was an individual who had insight to himself and to situations, without malice or prejudiced assumptions. He elicited my empathy, and I wanted my interaction with him to be stabilizing, and genuinely friendly.

    I'm sad that he has gone on. It has been a few year since I was very active here, so may not have the more recent context.

    All of you, fare well.

    -- JC

  • Truly sorry to hear about all of you losing a good friend. Sad. Take care of yourself.

fortune: cpu time/usefulness ratio too high -- core dumped.
