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Journal Khyber's Journal: Exposing frauds. 1

Well, with my business gaining much more interest, I've been receiving e-mails from Chinese LED makers. Almost every single one of them is totally full of themselves.

I've had to devise a simple test to determine whether or not they're worth talking to.

All I need are three things. If they know anything about my business, then they know I'm quite prepared to test out their claims in response to these three requirements:

1. Wavelengths suitable for my business
2. Viewing Angles
3. Diode Efficiency

I have received some hilarious claims, especially in the efficiency department. 1w diode with 92% efficiency? Really? That would make for almost 630 lux/w. ABSOLUTELY NOT. Cree has the lead with 200+ lux/w.

This should make for some excellent fodder for sites exposing fraudulent manufacturers.

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Exposing frauds.

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