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Journal Shadow Wrought's Journal: TSA and T9 3

Those familair with texting know T9's predictive capabilities. I was texting a friend about the TSA and started texting screener (7 2 7 3 3). Raped came up as one of the predictive options before screen. Maybe it knows?

And, just in case one of you actually remember this, I have indeed changed my way of thinking...

Personal TSA trifecta now in play, too...
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TSA and T9

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  • But with a smart phone and unlimited internet, paying still yet more for a communication medium limited to 140 characters per message just doesn't make any sense to me. Of course, I use Google Voice for texting, so even that cost is mitigated, now.

    Anybody I would care to text with also has a Gmail account and talk, so I rarely send or receive texts.

    • I have a smart phone through work, but it's pretty locked down, so it's essentially got A potential but is still pulling in C's :-) I text and a lot of my friends do, so it works. I have a feeling that within a couple three years I'll probably have the smart phone and the plan and texting will fall by the wayside. And Twitter's limit is 140, but text limits are 160. 20 characters doesn't seem like much, but it has come in handy before :-)

      On a side note, haven't seen much of you around here. How's th

"Who alone has reason to *lie himself out* of actuality? He who *suffers* from it." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
