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Journal kesuki's Journal: watching my packet data...

i found a lot of browsing traffic. used wireshark of course, most was news sites and slashdot. This hardware does not trust linux. i know i tried to see if i could get it installed when i was on vacation. I still have two linux machines, though. plus tablets. the head games are getting hard though. I found myself trying to make a decision and would turn back and forth trying to decide what to do. I did start reading again on my tablet. I also have been streaming video. My doctor said 15 minutes of facebook a day would probably be enough, yet i manage to read it for most of the day. I played a game of frozen throne today, my team won even tho i just made spell breakers and priests. they went destroyers thinking i'd do sorcs but i played more passive not even teching to tier 3. i also noticed my fast frost wyrm tech isn't on google. and that 'necropolis' and 'graveyard' are similar words, and that there are dual graveyards in the place where my family has told me i'd be buried. i have been having a lot of 'phantom' swallows that sometimes burn on the way down. like someone is quaffing a potion. the burn in my mouth is why i never used alcohol mouth washes, and one of my teeth died, it was 90% sealed with a grommet (the word for UV hardening fillings) so i know it was the coca cola i was drinking for a couple weeks. back to the diet dew and water. not that i need caffeine it does the opposite of what my care providers tell me i need. when i have been reading there is a strong sense of deja vu, as if i have done this before. and in one case there was a book mark on a story i hadn't started to read, but which when i went to read it, it was partially read. i had transitioned from one state to another state, but didn't use wireless to read the book, so um... I have been thinking of death lately. about how some one had this funny story about when a 'drone' bee fertilizes a 'queen' bee it's balls explode and it's dick gets left behind in her. this was in repercussion for the funny story of how 'mamma had a baby and her head popped off' nursery rhyme where you take a fresh dandelion, pick it and pop off it's funny yellow top. anyway, i had a round of antibiotics for the second time in my life. anyway, i listened to amazon prime music today too, and the familiar songs melded into the tv program list.

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watching my packet data...

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Factorials were someone's attempt to make math LOOK exciting.
