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Journal timothy's Journal: Misc: Random Seattle notes

- Thursday past, walking up Pike St. toward 15th, well into the dark of evening, I saw a metallic-painted Prius going downhill with its lights off. I wonder if he was trying to go easy on the batteries. Penny-wise ...

- Not unrelated, I think a funny cartoon / satirical column about life here could be called "Silently Judging."

- For those who live in Capitol Hill: Video Connection, at 15th and Harrison (near Remedy Tea, and a Subway location) is going out of business. I bought two seasons of Penn & Teller's excellent Showtime series for $12 each, and the movie "Going Postal" (which looks funny to me, but is evidently *not* well regarded) for $1. No sales tax if you're paying cash. TV sets, $12. Most DVDs, $5. Some specialty selections, $7 (or more, as marked). No Dexter Season 1, which I'd hoped to find -- oh, well! A small selection is going for $1 apiece. The employee I talked to said that Saturday will probably have sort of a party atmosphere as they sell off from the dwindling stock, and that Sunday will most likely be too late.

- Also of CapHill interest: The Capitol Hill Seattle Blog. (I was just reminded of it while seeking out the name of the video place mentioned above.)

- Data point: From home on Capitol Hill to 5th & Pike, about 30 minutes at a brisk walk. 45-50 the other way, because it's harder to maintain a brisk walk uphill. Far pleasanter (lighter slope) to walk up Pike or Pine than one of the streets parallel and north. The ideal bus trip is about 20 minutes, but requires timing departure w/ hoped-for bus arrival. (Not that Seattle's buses are generally far off, but when a bus is two minutes early, it's hard to know, if the passenger is only *one* minute early.)

- Another data point: Though I didn't note when I *entered* the library, it took 20 minutes to walk from 5th and Pike to the Central Branch castle, check out the book I had on reserve, scan the feature-films shelf, and check out. At least some nights, I think my plan will be to close down the library, then Barnes & Noble, before heading back up the hill.

- This evening, Pad Se Ew at Ayutthaya Thai Cuisine (727 E Pike St  Seattle, Washington 98122). $12.60, modulo tip but, for Pad Se Ew, a side of white rice (which was fine, but I wish I'd asked for brown), and delicious but lethal Thai lime tea. "Is that sweet?" I asked before ordering; the proprietor nearly winced as he nodded Yes. Fair enough! Reading through dinner, am now most of the way through "Dexter by Design." Sm. bag of leftovers, for a midnight snack. Very nice little place -- prices reasonable, pleasant service, decor neat and clean, portions decent if not overwhelming. It was very hard to get below half-full on my water, which was also mentioned in the review posted outside. Definitely will eat there again.

- Earlier, also finally got a veggie dog from Cyber Dog; about $5.60 for "just the dog and (green) onions" and a Snapple. The hotdog itself was fine, pleasant even, but literally about half the size I'd expected. More like the length of an index finger than anything I'd call a hotdog. Still, it was a novelty, and now I know. The free internet and quirky atmosphere blunts my indignation; I'm sure I'll stop there once in a while if I keep up the habit of working downtown.

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Random Seattle notes

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If it wasn't for Newton, we wouldn't have to eat bruised apples.
