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Journal timothy's Journal: Glad tidings! LED flashlights at CostCo

Laptop's dying hard drive led me to CostCo for an external drive as a file-rescue device; now the laptop is again working, but probably on its last legs, so I'm not trusting it as a place to keep any new data.

But that doesn't matter right now.

What I'm happy about isn't finding that the first drive I bought (Western Digital Passport) didn't work with either my Toshiba (dying) laptop or my Asus (working) netbook and that I had to go return it. It's that while doing the usual dazed stroll through CostCo, and fruitlessly seeking a decent LED table lamp, I found that their current two-pack of LED flashlights (for a few years now, they've had at least one pair of LED flashlights on offer whenever I've looked) contains what look like pretty nice ones:

- textured reflector
- 3xAAA power (I'd prefer AA, but Hey)
- adjustable focus
- claimed output of 160 lumens

The pair is $20. That's awesome :)

This discussion was created by timothy (36799) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Glad tidings! LED flashlights at CostCo

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Any circuit design must contain at least one part which is obsolete, two parts which are unobtainable, and three parts which are still under development.
