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Journal Le Marteau's Journal: Google's dynamic suggestion box 2

If you enter "i love" into Google, the first suggestion is "you man" along with a bunch of other stuff.

If you type "i hate" it has no suggestions. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Not a one. Which is strange, because I am sure that phrase is not all that uncommon on teh interwebz (I guess Google is starting to hard-code exceptions these days).

I tried it in my Firefox search box as well. It comes back with one suggestion. "i hate to recommend thompson quote". Which of course happens because Firefox remembers me searching for that before (long story).

The quote: "I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."

Well, I do. And they have.

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Google's dynamic suggestion box

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  • Senator Fred Thompson, right? ;-)

  • So, if I type "I ha" and stop, I see it suggesting "I hated this part" but when I add a t, all of the suggestions disappeared.

    If I add a space after the t, I see all the people who misspelled hate ("i hat my life/job/mom") along with the physics questions ("i hat vector")

    Definitely seems to be something they're mangling on their side.

The cost of feathers has risen, even down is up!
